Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Recovery Day 57 - No More Tube!

I had my stomach tube removed today! It was a very quick and painless procedure. Before they removed it they took a look with the ultrasound machine and apparently the end of the tube had slipped out of my stomach and into the lower bowel (I think that's what he said). That could explain some of the abdominal pain I've had. Anyhow, I had a big grin on my face as I walked out of the hospital.

I have a thick piece of gauze over the hole where the tube was. It will take a couple days for my stomach to close it off and there could be leakage. I was told to not drink large quantities of water in a short period of time. Perhaps if I drank a lot of water and did some sit ups I could make a fountain.

Over the past few days I have averaged 2,600 calories by mouth. Today I was off that mark because my stomach seems to be adjusting to the absence of the tube and was feeling a bit off.

I have been back to work for a week now and it's going well.


  1. Congratulations! I know you were looking forward to this step. Great job getting through to this point, Jim!

  2. Great news Jim...sounds like things are FINALLY taking a turn. Awesome.

  3. That is great news Jim! I'm glad it is finally gone.
