Sunday, August 16, 2009

Treatment End of Week #3

Sheesh, I sleep through most of Thursday and Friday and Cathy takes over the blog. Seriously, I did sleep through most of those days and I'm glad for the help. On to the updates...

I think I have an ulcer. The anti-nausea drugs don't help my stomach issues at all. But if I lay down on my back my stomach issues magically go away. Stand up and they're back. According to the chemo staff I shouldn't have chemo related nausea 48 to 72 hours after the chemo treatment. So I don't think this problem is completely due to the chemo. Something else is going on. We'll be discussing this with the chemo staff tomorrow. In the meantime I'm spending a lot of time in bed. Good thing I have a comfortable bed!

Friday was a difficult day on the radiation table. My stomach was feeling pretty lousy and every sound the machine made seemed to set me on edge. The background music was not one of my choice (I eleected to listen to what was already playing) and the volume was not up very high. On Monday I plan to play some rock-and-roll at high volume.

I finished the last dose of medication for Thrush on Friday. My tongue is still white but it doesn't hurt like it did before I started the med.

I started using a patch for pain medication on Friday. The Tylenol wasn't cutting it and it was getting difficult to take the pills. Consequently, I'm not allowed to drive.

Contrary to what a certain 16 year old that I might be related to thinks about these cancer treatments I do NOT glow in the dark and I won't be turning into one of the Fantastic Four.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates Jim. Hang in there buddy. We are thinking of you!
