Monday, September 14, 2009

Completed 35 radiation treatments!

The last radiation treatment was this morning. Jim was visibly different afterwards; a great load was taken from his shoulders.

We are told to expect improvements to begin after about a week. Jim is very anxious to get off of the pain medication (he doesn't like the way they make him feel nor the strange thoughts they cause him to have). The doctor said he can start the decrease in about a week. He can get rid of the PICC line (for IV fluids) as soon as he can drink enough water by mouth. And he can say good-bye to the feeding tube as soon as he can eat enough solid food. These things will take time.

We are both absolutely pooped after today's appointments. I'm sure that lack of sleep the last few nights has greatly contributed to this. I am hoping that he'll begin to sleep better now that all of the treatments are complete. That is, as long as he doesn't start worrying again about what this next week will bring.

Now I've got to go close my eyes for a few minutes of rest.

1 comment:

  1. YAY. What a trouper. Our prayers are still with you. Congratulations on making it through!
