Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday night

Sitting here waiting for the nurse to bring Jim's 9pm meds. He woke briefly, found a white-noise generator online, started it running, then waited for the nurse ... but fell back asleep. He's been doing a lot of sleeping today. That is, as much sleep as hospitals let you do. He's becoming quite good at cooperating with the nurses and frequently falling immediately back to sleep as soon as they finish taking his vitals or giving him meds or whatever it is they wake him to do.

They seem to have gotten the nausea under control as there's been no issues with it while I've been here today (since about 11am.) They also put him back on formula via the tube (they originally would not allow any "food" as they wanted to do some tests first, so this is the first food he's had since arriving around 5:30 last night.)

Poor Jeanette (Jim's mom) slept on a really lousy rollaway bed here last night. It had a bar across it at about where a person's chest hits the mattress. The mattress was kind enough to fold itself on either side of the bar so you could get maximum contact with the bar. However I have been blessed with the inheritance of a chair-that-becomes-a-bed complements of an exiting patient.

Jim's up again; guess it is time to chase down those 9pm meds (it's 9:30 now) before he falls asleep again.

BTW, Sean's feeling much better. Jeanette is sleeping at the house tonight. She's awesome.

Feels good to have a few less worries tonight.

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