Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Recovery Day 15

Cathy made three smoothies for me this morning. I already polished off one and I'm working on the second one. So far they seem to be staying down. Praise the Lord!!

The visit with Dr Klancar yesterday didn't result in a whole lot of solutions for my stomach issues other than the thought that my throat/esophagus is misfiring and the more solid foods aren't going down to my stomach but are staying in the esophagus. I may end up taking a barium swallow test next week to rule this out. Dr Klancar did get a first hand observation that my stomach isn't working right. I had been pumping formula in for at least an hour prior to the visit. While she was in the exam room I vomited. I really tried hard to avoid it but I just couldn't hold it back this time.

Much of the stomach problems could be due to my inability to clear the mucus on the back of my throat. It is very difficult to do without triggering my excessively overactive gag reflex.

Dr Klancar did get me started on an anti-depressant drug and recommended more frequent use of the Ativan medication. I should start seeing results in about 4 days.

I slept better last night. I took 6mg of extended release Melatonin and 1 Restoril at bed time. Then at 1 am when I got up to use the toilet I took another Restoril. I can't say I slept solidly but I slept better and more than the last three nights.

I need to review some of the restrictions on the drugs I'm taking, but I'm hoping to to take my Titan out for a spin today. It has been weeks since it has even been started.

1 comment:

  1. Baby steps are still steps - Yeah for smoothies and thorough Doctors. Hope your digestive system starts to recover and do it's job. Keeping you all in my prayers!
