Friday, September 25, 2009

Struggling with recovery

Yesterday we saw a Clinical Nurse Specialist who has extensive experience with cancer patients. She told us that what Jim is going through is called "Post-treatment Syndrome" and that the weeks following treatment tend to be the lowest point of this journey (we had no idea!) She explained that the human body was not designed to handle 7 weeks of chronic, unrelenting stress. So the levels of serotonin are depleted, leading to depression and inability to control emotions. Unfortunately this period tends to last longer for head & neck cancer patients than for those with other cancers due to the severity of the treatment and the fact that it affects all aspects of the patient's life (e.g. eating, drinking, speech, work, etc.) She contacted Jim's medical oncologist and recommended some medication that will help get Jim through this period. We'll get the prescription when we see the doctor on Monday.

Jim is really struggling. He is extraordinarily frustrated and discouraged. He is bored yet unable to focus on a task for long. And he tends to get very emotional - which is extremely distressful to him.

Speaking for myself and the boys, I'd say that the last 2 weeks have been the hardest since Jim's diagnosis. We want to celebrate that his treatments are over and that things are beginning to get better, yet there he is feeling more miserable than ever and not acting like himself.

We are still limiting visitors to close family and to those who understand or can cope with the what's going on here. However I am certain that Jim will soon welcome visitors and especially persons who will get him out of the house. He's very anxious to become more active and to DO SOMETHING.

Thanks so much for your prayers ... we're constantly pulling from the stash of prayers that have been put aside for us so we appreciate the frequent refills.

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