Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Recovery - Day 2

The nausea I'm feeling is significantly reduced. That's great! I suspect it will continue to go away the further I get from the last time chemotherapy was administered. Still, I managed to vomit around Noon. The only explanation I have at this time is that there must have been a large quantity of mucus built up in my throat and when I tried to expectorate it out the contents of my stomach decided to come too. That was very disappointing as I'm not able to push in as much food through the tube as I would like to since we're trying to reduce the amount of Regelan that is used. (Regelan encourages my stomach to move what is in my stomach to the next stage. Otherwise it tends to stay there and I get this nasty feeling of being full because everything is sticking around.)

I'm desperate to get off the tube feeding. I managed to eat a slice of canned peach at about 1pm My stomach didn't quite know what to make of it but it didn't reject it. For "dinner" I had two slices. I was able to taste the peach. Hopefully that means my taste buds are beginning to come back.

My ability to regulate my temperature is still messed up. I wanted to spend time with the rest of the family today but I just couldn't. The temperature difference between my bedroom (regulated temp and humidity) and the kitchen is a good eight to ten degrees. My body doesn't adapt fast enough for that. My throat clenches up and I start to gag with vomit being a possibility.

As Cathy posted earlier I am frustrated at my progress. I know that my progress is normal, but still, I want this whole thing over and done with. I'll do whatever I can to accelerate the recovery process. All the drugs are making me a little wacky and way more emotional than normal.

Cathy continues to be a wonderful caregiver. I don't know what I would do without her.

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