Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 6 - OVER! - 5 treatment days remain

I don't feel much like posting but I'm sure people want to know how it is going.

It was a really tough week. Jim has been feeling very discouraged and wondering how he would ever make it through the remainder of the treatments. He says that prior weeks went fairly quickly but this week has been never-ending. He's not doing much of anything anymore, just hanging out in the bedroom in the recliner or the bed, shuffling back and forth to the bathroom, and going to the hospital daily for treatments. He's not interested in the internet, email, nor even Club Titan. Those who know him know that this is NOT like Jim at all. I'm anxious to have him back.

The drive to and from treatment is still extremely difficult but Jim is finding ways to cope with it. Driving him is quite a challenge because one must avoid bumps in the road, start and stop smoothly, etc.

Jim's throat is hurting more and his neck is looking quite burned, the skin broken (and as he says "crispy".) However, on a good note, I believe that he is doing VERY well with swallowing; the doctors are quite pleased that he is sipping so much water. And he still has a bit of voice though he uses it very sparingly. I end up doing a lot of talking for him. (I expect he hopes I don't get too used to that!)

I expect to be spending most all my time taking care of Jim next week (with the help of his mom). I've warned people at work that I will have very little availability but that this is temporary.

The hydration via IV here at home is going well. However the last 2 nights he's had some issues with regulating his temperature; he gets extraordinarily cold even if the room is not cold. I suspect it is related to the IV, if we lessen the flow he improves. (Or maybe it is just that we pile on the blankets.)

Jim is not able to handle loud noises well and also doesn't do well with long periods where he must remain alert (30 minutes is "pushing it".) And since he cannot afford to become ill, we are not having kids in the house (other than our own of course) and not encouraging visitors.

Greeting cards are definitely welcome ... we read them to him and then hang them up so they are visible.

One day at a time ...

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